5 Custom Website Development Services To Make Your Business Irresistible

December 13, 2023

Have you ever thought about how a custom website development service brings uniqueness, a strong online presence, and authority to your business?

Most people choose an automated website builder when it comes to launching their business online because it guarantees a fast and easy process and does not need a lot of maintenance.

Do you find yourself in this category?

If that’s the case, I have news for you: our custom website development service guarantees you all of the above and more!

You might be thinking that you need to launch your business right now and you don’t have neither the time or money to invest in a fully customized and developed website.

If so, keep this in mind: quality comes at a price.

Which would you prefer?

The easiest solution is the cheap/free web template with limited designs and functions that does not fully represent your vision nor guarantees a good ranking, traffic, or presence.

Moreover, it won’t give your business uniqueness since your site will be tied to the name of the company that furnishes the template.

The second option is our custom website development service that:

  • Guarantees an impeccable reflection of what you and your business stand for
  • Assures ranking and traffic
  • Grants you a strong online presence

Furthermore, we understand that having no ties to third parties is crucial when starting to make a name for yourself, so once we finish developing your site you will still receive our support should you need it, but only your name will remain.

Opting for a fully developed and customized website is the best choice you could make for our business because, behind every service we offer, there are specialists who will work on the technical details and provide you with quality so that you can focus on your content and deliver excellence to people.

The power of SEO

Speaking of details, one of the most important factors for a website is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is a process to make your website better suited for visibility on Google so that search engines can drive more traffic to it. Why is it so powerful?

By choosing the right keywords, you’ll get:

  • Top spots in Google’s ranking
  • More organic traffic
  • More visibility

However, finding relevant keywords is not an easy task: even if you know every detail of your niche, chances are you will still struggle with SEO due to the algorithm’s ever-changing nature.

Of course, you could gather information on the most effective SEO methods yourself but you won’t have a guarantee of a positive result and on top of that, you won’t be able to focus on your main task: producing content as consistently as possible.

On the other hand, our custom website development service grants you more time to create content while our specialists deal with Google’s algorithm.

We create an efficient SEO strategy by searching for relevant keywords with high volume yet low competition, allowing you to assert your authority in your niche.

Boost your sales with tailored copywriting

Let’s say you want to sell a product or service: you know what it does, what it looks like and you’re excited to show people how it’s useful, but once you launch it on the market, it just can’t generate sales.

Why is that?

It’s not that your product/service doesn’t have any value, but the lack of a compelling piece of copy makes people look for alternatives that might be less valuable than what you have to offer because their offers are written better.

They can’t all be marketing experts though, right?

They most definitely are not, but the difference is that instead of promoting their product on their own, they chose to integrate a tailored copywriting service into their custom website development process.

Our experts gather the information and translate it into a compelling piece of copy that:

  • Makes your prospect buy your product/service
  • Turns the prospect into a returning customer
  • Gives you credibility and authority by making them WANT to buy

The key to making sales is knowing your prospects and what buttons to push in their mind but most importantly, choosing the best words to do so.

This is one of the most important factors when building a website and, unless you’re an excellent marketer or salesman, you will struggle with it on your own because automated website builders do not provide you with such a powerful tool.

One of the goals you need to keep in mind when launching a website is that you need to build as much authority as possible and to do so, other than quality content, you’re going to need backlinks.

If you’re not familiar, a backlink is an incoming hyperlink from one webpage to another website.

If another website mentions yours in its content, Google’s algorithm will notice that and will start seeing you as an authoritative source, thus placing you at the top spots in the ranking.

Naturally, the ideal goal is to construct a vast backlink network in your niche but if done alone, the process of acquisition is long, and more importantly, it gets costly, even more so if you do not have a well-planned outreach strategy. The best option you can go for is to let our experts acquire backlinks for you: our outreach strategy is oriented towards increasing your organic traffic by partnering with other websites in your niche.

Specifically, one of our most useful tactics is guest blogging, which consists of one of your posts, as well as your name, being featured on another website.

This process guarantees you:

  • More authority in Google’s eyes
  • More credibility in people’s eyes
  • Increase in traffic

All these factors are key in making sales and turning prospects into returning customers, thus building a long-lasting relationship with them.

Custom code: the best solution for strong foundations

Picture this: you have decided to build a house and you know exactly what you want it to look like, from the outside to the inside, down to every last detail.

Unfortunately, you do not have the necessary skills and knowledge to build this house into reality, so what do you do?

Would you consult an architect or would you try to build it by yourself anyway?

Sure you can design your plan but you do not have the expertise of an architect and keep in mind that every building needs to start from a solid foundation.

That’s exactly what coding is to a website.

The code in web templates is generic, it overlooks elements that might be redundant and is more exposed to malware attacks as well as hackers that could steal your data or damage your reputation.

Should you choose our web architects, your site’s code will be:

  • Unique
  • Invulnerable to hackers and malware
  • Easily migratable to other hosting platforms should you want to do so

Moreover, we optimize the backend by eliminating elements in excess so that there is less data to load, thus allowing a faster performance for your website.

Give us your project: we will work together until your vision becomes reality before your very eyes.

Convenience and simplicity through custom integrations

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying: “Time is our most valuable asset.”

That statement is correct, especially when you want your business to be successful.

You need time to meet new people, schedule calls, manage appointments, and so on, while also creating engaging content for your audience. We understand this concept well, so we came up with ways that save you as much time as possible when running your website.

The way we do it is by using a powerful tool called integrations.

They transfer data from more apps into a single hub, giving you control over everything you need from one place.

Mainly, we use Zapier and Airtable, but how do they save you time?

Zapier is an integration that allows you the following:

  • Automation of repetitive tasks
  • Data transfer from multiple apps without your supervision
  • Better workflow
  • Growth measurement to see which apps are performing better
  • Full customizability

And everything you’re going to need is just a laptop and an internet connection! With this integration, there will be no more time spent on tedious tasks, nor energy that could be allocated to more productive uses.

On the other hand, Airtable is very useful when it comes to data storage and organization.

It has numerous benefits, such as:

  • Team collaboration made easy
  • Automation of processes through custom trigger-action sequences
  • Data tracking in real time

This tool is extremely useful whenever you need to divide tasks among team members or even if you need to manage them by yourself.

Moreover, its versatility makes it easily adaptable to multiple purposes including -among many others- customer relationship management, sales assets management, email marketing, social advertisements, and so on.

Let’s get started!

We understand that starting a business on your own is challenging and we know that not many see their vision fulfilled.

At Wagwise, we want to cooperate with you and help in our way, providing you with expertise, continuous support, and most importantly, quality.

Let’s talk and see how we can bring you value, book a free consultation right now!

Ready to work together?

Let's link up! Schedule a 30-minute consult with our team to collaborate on building your website. We invite startups and businesses looking to collaborate to build their website with Wagwise

